Press Release 22-0322-1

MARCH 22, 2021


NEWS RELEASE #22-0322-1


Two dead following murder suicide

The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call at approximately 6:42 pm Monday evening from a residence located at 15104 94th Road, Topeka.  The female caller indicated to dispatch that her husband was dead and hung up the phone without providing any further details. As deputies approached the house, a female with a firearm was observed inside.  Shortly, thereafter a gunshot was heard by deputies.  Additional law enforcement personnel from Jackson County and Shawnee County responded to the scene. Law enforcement continued to try to contact any occupants inside the residence.  Law enforcement made entry into the residence where two individuals were found to be deceased from apparent gunshot wounds.  The individuals were identified as 68-year-old Linda Marie Vidosh-Zempel and 68-year-old John Alfred John Zempel. Linda Vidosh-Zempel is believed to have been suffering from mental health issues in recent years.  Linda Vidosh-Zempel is suspected of shooting John Zempel sometime during the day and later committed suicide when deputies approached the residence.

The Kansas Highway Patrol, Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team, Mayetta Police, Jackson County EMS, Mayetta Fire, Hoyt Fire Department and the Coroner’s Office all responded to the incident.